Friday, December 27, 2019
Experiment Stroop s Stroop Effect - 1026 Words
IB Psychology SL Internal Assessment May 2017 Word Count: Stroop Effect Abstract The aim of this experiment was to replicate the experiment Stroop (1935). This study was the basis of the Stroop effect, which says that common tasks such as identifying a color can be interfered by automated processes, such as reading. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Method Design Participants Materials Procedure Results Description of results Discussion References and Bibliography Appendices Introduction f Aim: METHOD DESIGN The experimental conditions were whether the name of the color read and the font color of the word read matched or did not match. DOES THIS SOUND OKAY The control conditions were the group of participants, the number of words read, and the environment in which the task was performed. These conditions were controlled to ensure that any variation in the times taken to perform the tasks of reciting the lists was caused by the difference in color and word which was written. The experimental design chosen was repeated measures. The advantages of using this design are the reduced differences in participants such as levels of intelligence. The disadvantages are the possibility of order effects in participants, such as the practice effect or the fatigue effect. In effort to reduce order effects, half ofShow MoreRelatedAn Experimental Investigation Into The Interference Of Conflicting Stimuli On A Response Task1510 Words  | 7 PagesStroop’s original experiment The Stroop Effect (Stroop, 1935). The aim of the study was to understand how automatic processing interferes with attempts to attend to sensory information. The independent variable of our experiment was the three conditions, the congruent words, the incongruent words, and the colored squares, and the dependent variable was the time that it took participants to state the ink color of the list of words in each condition. We used repeated measures for the experiment in order toRead MoreThe St roop Effect On The Reaction Time1254 Words  | 6 Pagescolor of the word, if the word is in an incongruent word color. This cognitive phenomenon is more commonly known as the Stroop Effect. The Stroop Effect is a study that lead to the occurence where objects of incongruent context and word display are used to find the reaction time it takes to determine the context of the word. The original way that is used to test the Stroop Effect is by printing a name of a color, in a varying font color. The purpose is to determine whether or not gender affectsRead MoreConceptual Metaphor Theory ( Cmt )919 Words  | 4 Pages1980) proposes that people use concrete experiences to represent abstract concepts through metaphorical mappings. Santiago and his colleagues (2012) reviewed the literatures on CMT, and summarized task effect called conceptual congruency. Conceptual congruency effect (CCE) indicates the task effect that while people do judgment on an abstract conceptual dimension, their performance can be influenced by the manipulation on a concrete conceptual dimension. In daily life language, color-emotion is aRead MoreThe Effect Of Automatic Processes Interfering With Controlled Processes1552 Words  | 7 Pagesbeen known as interference. When you have attention on more than one thing you may be experiencing interference and this can inhibit cognitive processes. The effects of automatic processes interfering with controlled processes have been known to have been tested through something called a Stroop experiment. The revolutionary study by, Stroop (1935) used 5 different colors; purple, brown, green, blue, and red in a color-word naming task. Subjects had to say the color of the word while it was printedRead More Feedback Stress: Does Auditory Feedback Negatively Affect Performance on a Stroop Task?2221 Words  | 9 PagesThe Stroop Effect In his historic study, Stroop found that reading names of colors interfered with individuals’ ability to name the ink color the word was printed in when the two differed (i.e., the word â€Å"BLUE†written in red ink) (1935). However, the basis of this phenomenon can be traced back to Cattell who found that naming colors and pictures took twice as long to accomplish than reading the word these colors or pictures represented (1886). He concluded that this was due to reading beingRead MoreThe Stroop Effect On Children1134 Words  | 5 Pages Abstract Despite there being so many stroop effects studies done, people might ask themselves where it came from, how is the procedure done, and what can it conclude. This literature review informs about John Ridley, the creator of the stroop effect. How he tested the performance of participants and after many years in psychology, devote his life to religion. Since then many psychologists have tried to answer the effects the stroop effect might have on anxious adults as well as childrenRead MoreInternal Assessment : The Stroop Effect2357 Words  | 10 Pages Psychology Internal Assessment The Stroop Effect â€Å"An experimental investigation into the interference of conflicting stimuli on a response task†Candidate Name: Grace Jo Candidate Number: ? (I don’t know my candidate number) Subject: Standard Level Psychology Date of Submission: School: Vanguard High School Word Count: 1488 Abstract The aim of this experiment was to replicate the Stroop Effect and to investigate the interference in the reaction time in hundredths of a secondRead MoreThe Stroop Effect2978 Words  | 12 PagesAbstract The aim of this experiment is to study autonomic processes by replicating the previously carried out Stroop effect by using numbers. A number of 180 random participants aged in between 18-89 were recruited to participate in this experiment. Participants were presented with a stroop experiment task sheet which consists of three parts which was the control, congruent and incongruent conditions. Time was taken and recorded for each participant to say out the number of stars in the control conditionRead MoreExperimental Psychology Stroop Effect2268 Words  | 10 PagesRunning head: EXPLORING THE STROOP EFFECT Racing Hoses and the Stroop Effect Milana Istakhorova Brooklyn College – CUNY Fall 2011. Abstract The research assessed in this article discusses the Stroop effect. The Stroop effect occurs when our selective attention fails and we are unable to attend to some information and ignore the rest. This study tests the Stroop effect by presenting the participant with a congruent or incongruent word and the participant is asked to type the color of the word orRead MoreThe Revolutionary Study By Stroop ( 1935 ) Essay1299 Words  | 6 PagesThe revolutionary study by, Stroop (1935) used 5 different colors; purple, brown, green, blue, and red in a color-word naming task. Subjects had to say the color of the word while it was printed in different color ink. For example, the word â€Å"blue†would be written in the color red. They first did this using the colored words and then repeated the process with the words printed in black. They found that the colored word condition suggested a 2.3s longer reaction time than the black word condition
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Biggest Stressor In A Family’S Experience Is A Death.
The biggest stressor in a family’s experience is a death. Stress levels can be different if deaths are sudden or even if the death was known to be coming. Also, at different ages the stressors of a death in the family can differ greatly. The experiences of a death of a child, death of a sibling, death of a parent, and/or death of a spouse/partner all have similarities and differences. Death of a Child The death of a child in a family can have different meanings depending on the family. With the death of a child, one concludes the child as young, school age or younger. Nevertheless, an older family may lose their child, but their child is not young. Hence, most say there is nothing worse than a death of a child. Moreover, a child has just†¦show more content†¦(Wilmoth, 2009) Whereas, in the death of a child, sibling, parent, and spouse/partner each of these stressors has the same resources available to them. A few of these resources are: therapy, a support network, and even their religion. Next, the C factor in the ABC-X Model is how each family handles the stressor of death in their family. The C factor in this model is where the contrast is between these occurrences. It has always puzzled observers that some families ride out the vicissitudes of floods and disasters without apparent disorganization, whereas most families are at least temporarily paralyze d by such catastrophes. The key appears to be at the â€Å"meaning†dimension. Stressors become crises in line with the definition the family makes of the event. (Wilmoth, 2009) In society in general the death of a child, sibling, parent, and a spouse/partner hold a different meaning, one death is not equal to all. Such as, a child’s death is harder to cope with, because they were young and did not get a chance to live their life, parents are not supposed to outlive their children. Whereas, the death of a sibling is not as concerning in today’s society, there is more emphasis put on the parents of the lost life than the siblings of it. However, the death of a parent in society isShow MoreRelatedThe Treatment Plan For The Winters Family1865 Words  | 8 Pagesfamily expressing empathy using RISSSC techniques. With RISSSC, I will repeat key words and phrases the client says, use images to capture emotions that words cannot, use simple words, maintain a slow pac e, use a soft voice to encourage a deeper experience, and adopt client’s words in a validating way (Gehart, 2014). I will also identify the negative interaction cycle, and resolution strategies to resolve conflict (Gehart, 2014) In the working phase, I will work to increase emotional expression andRead MoreMental Health : A Growing Concern Within The Indian American Communities1380 Words  | 6 Pages OCD, PTSD, and major-depressive disorder (â€Å"Facts-Statistics†2015). Globally, it is estimated that nearly 350 million people of all ages suffer from depression. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death between 15-29 year-olds. There are 7.2 million Asians in the United States 5.8% of these deaths are South Asians. South Asians have the lowest rate of utilization of mental health services. Culture The lack of utilization often stems from ingrained cultural values that can serve as barriersRead MorePsychosocial Care Of Children During Intensive Care Unit2153 Words  | 9 PagesPatterson Word Count: 2467 Introduction According to Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development, successful completion of each developmental stage results in a healthy personality and the acquisition of basic virtue. The individual experience the conflict at each stage of development and it is crucial to resolve the conflict in order to successfully move to the next stage. Respectively, developmental approach is the most commonly used method in pediatrics to address the psychosocialRead MoreThe Biological, Social, And Cultural Factors That Influence Youth Violence2472 Words  | 10 Pagesnothing much is being done to prevent these measures until death is involved. In the United States, there has been 310 documented shooting/killing on school property 80 of which happened between 2010- 2014(Duplechain, Morris, 2014). Let’s be clear that these are reported shootings, and does not account local neighborhood shootings at schools where youth may have lost their lives. Anita Cotton 17 year old mother of one was jumped and stabbed to death in walgreens parking lot, in Nicetown Pa, after leavingRead MoreEssay about Analysis of Little Miss Sunshine4497 Words  | 18 Pagesmarriage, who takes a nine month vow of silence until his admission into the Air Force Academy. Lastly, Olive Hoover is the innocent seven year old, unaffected by critical events that have occurred in her household, including learning about suicide, death, and rejection. The Hoover household is not filled with a lot of material possessions. There is a small tube TV in the living room, the home is outdated, there is minimal dà ©cor, and they drive an outdated vehicle. Olive listens to a disc man, anRead MoreMarriage Guidance: Summary Notes19959 Words  | 80 Pagesrelationships An intimate relationship consists of three factors that form a tripod on which the relationship rests. 1. Passionate attraction (PA) 2. Mutual expectations (ME) 3. Personal intentions (PI) Passionate attractions (PA) → Individual experiences intensely pleasurable sensations when thinking about or being with a new partner. → Blushing, trembling, breathlessness, high sexual desire → Referred to as infatuation = passing love â€Å"a foolish and unreasoning love’ → Infatuation is not a realisticRead More Students Deserve A College Tuition Essay3258 Words  | 14 PagesThink about this: a straight F student with a family that has a sufficient amount of money. This student gets to go to the best college that their family’s money can buy, which will probably go to waste on partying. Now compare that to a straight A student, living in a too-small temporary place, and no way to pay the bills. This student is everything a college could dream of having, and they actually care about their education. Sadly enough, though, they will never go because how can someone possiblyRead MoreCase Study Essay33967 Words  | 136 Pagesbelieves in the five all-American food groups: salt, sugar, fat, chocolate, and caffeine. 6. Identify health-related problems in this case description; the problem that is potentially life threatening should be listed first. High risk for sudden cardiac death (multiple risk factors such as family history, male); smoking; inactivity (sedentary lifestyle); obesity; stressful lifestyle; HTN; hyperlipidemia; and a high-fat, lowfiber diet 7. Of all of his behaviors, which one is the most significant in promotingRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 Pagestracking, and more manage time better study smarter save money From multiple study paths, to self-assessment, to a wealth of interactive visual and audio resources, WileyPLUS gives you everything you need to personalize the teaching and learning experience.  » F i n d o u t h ow t o M A K E I T YO U R S  » ALL THE HELP, RESOURCES, AND PERSONAL SUPPORT YOU AND YOUR STUDENTS NEED! 2-Minute Tutorials and all of the resources you your students need to get started www.wileyplus
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
The History and Impact of Photography Essay Example For Students
The History and Impact of Photography Essay Its next to impossible to imagine a technology that impacted the twentieth century more than photography. The airplanes, nuclear power, automobiles were more prominent than photography, yet on a day-to-day term, photography was the most spread out. Photography is an art form that was developed in the 1830s but was publicly recognized a decade later. Before being considered an art form, photography fought a tough, controversial battle. The multiple applications it derived into and the diverse areas its used, made it a skeptical medium of art (Sandweiss). Today, it is one of the greatest hobby, if not the greatest. Not every individual knows what a shutter speed or even camera obscurer is, nor have many heard of Annie Leibowitz or Henri Cartier-Bresson. Photography has completely changed the opinions and many individuals views on the world. Its not just a picture on a small piece of paper. Photographs are used to capture the beauty, document family milestones, stalk celebrities and reveal the ugliness of war (Walter). In comparison to the other media, photography is way ahead in the way that it has changed the world. The world no longer focuses on paintings and words, but on photographs. Also, it has changed how people perceive themselves. During the American Civil War, many people were shocked with the war photographs being published in the newspapers. War had been photographed for the first time, and these people were witnessing the reality of death for the first time. Before this, people had only heard of stories of heroes. However, these stories were not always accurate. On seeing the pictures, fields full of dead people, rivers full of blood and bruised soldiers running while carrying their guns, their thoughts of war totally v aried. They had previously heard of death during war, but seeing it was entirely another matter (Locke). Due to the photographs, they began seeing war as a more serious death or life situation. In the twenty-first century, where most photographs are digital, photography power lies in all the electronic devices with a lens and a photosensitive element. Photography came from the flourishing film industry from late nineteenth century to the twentieth. The thin plastic sheet coated with emulsion enjoyed it peak in the 1900s when it was indispensable for motion picture, photography and even in the medical world (Locke). Before the introduction of roll film by George Eastman, cameras were big and complicated and used silver-surfaced copper plates. As a result, they were complex, big, costly and only used by professional photographs. Eastman marketed the small, cheap and reliable Kodak camera with the film. Kodak camera was cheap, and consequently, ordinary people could afford the film rolls everywhere, and they could easily develop them at pocket-friendly prices. This was the beginning of amateur photographs (Walter).  More people owned cameras that resulted in people changing their point of view towards the world. The advertising industry increasingly employed photography during the period Kodak used pictorial advertisement to create a market for its papers, films, and cameras. Popular magazines before the television era as well as newspapers were carriers for most of these print advertising. The main reason for advertising was to create the desire that would attract new customers to the products that were available. Although painted illustrations and drawings were commonly used in advertisements during the early part of the twentieth century, photography gradually took over (Ming). As advertising photographs presented desires for consumers to purchase products, editorial photography opened information treasure chest that could be presented to the public in visual, not just in the verbal sense to the mass audience, text without pictures is boring (Locke). Engravings and drawings had been used in magazines and newspapers for as long as it was tolerable with the available technology. However, with the expansion of technology, photographs soon became a staple for the dailies (Sandweiss). Development of scanned photos, wire photo, telephone wires, and telegraph sped the global distribution of news pictures. .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f , .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f .postImageUrl , .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f , .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f:hover , .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f:visited , .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f:active { border:0!important; } .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f:active , .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc3cdc074725bdb37afce38ecc3bbbe7f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A History of Portraiture EssayThe importance of photography is not only limited to the world of art but is used in multiple aspects in our world today. Most of the first photographers didn’t consider themselves artists, instead, they considered themselves engineers, scientists, botanists, chemists, astronomers and inventors (Locke). Photography has been known to capture the beauty, but it also documents major historical events. Photographs allow for us to enter an era we never experienced and saw what it felt like to be at that moment (Walter). In pseudo-sciences, photographs earned credibility as objective evidence as they could record events, people, and places, Photographers such as Edward Muybridge came up with photographs portfolios that measured animal and human movement. His photographs recorded movement that gradually increased in stages that were too fast for the naked human eye to capture. His work accomplished the cameras promise to heighten, or even create new forms of photographs for scientific study (Sandweiss). Photography isnt just about clicking moments and recording moments. Its a form of communication, a form of expression and a form of art and crafts. The photograph offers the observer with a glimpse of the world through the eye, and in numerous ways via the heart of the viewer. Its through the photograph that people can see situations, landscapes, people, perspectives, colors, angles, and shapes that they wont be able to witness on their own. The more the people look at the photographs, the more they perceive they are accustomed to ignoring. Photographs create the bridge between what people want to see and all that is there to see. It’s an eye-opening evolutionary process that brings light to the unseen (Walter). Annotated Bibliography Locke, Nancy. How Photography Evolved from Science. The Conversation: Academic Rigor, Journalistic Flair (2015). Web. Nancy Locke is an associate professor of art history at Pennsylvania State University with a passion for photography. Locke clearly defines the evolution of art from science and shows how photography impacted both fields of study. This text assesses the impact of photography on culture and visual literacy in the twentieth century. Her work explores the relationship between art and culture. The anthology addresses the way photography has redefined our experience of space and time. Nancy provides an overview of the implications arising from the application of computer technology to photography, concentrating on the real of photographic journalism. She addresses the factual and ethical issues problems that arise out of a computer. She suggests redefining photo-journalism as editorial photography. Ming, Thein. The Line Between Art and Photography. 23 January 2014. 2016 March 30. Ming Thein is an aspiring artist who writes multiple articles to better research the subject of photography. Her piece dwells into the differences of photography as art versus photography used for documentation. It offers quite of bit of insight into the differences of each. The physical and theoretical shift from photography to the digital camera is explored in this article. The writings and works redefine photography as an interactive medium made possible through technological innovations. Ming explores the capacity of photographs as evidence. He investigates photographys subversion claim to truth by the emergence of digital imaging. Also, he places photography close to algorithmic conditions since they are automatically created with little information on the intention of the photographer. Sandweiss, Martha. Photography in Nineteenth-Century America. Fort Worth, Texas: Amon Carter Museum Publishers, 2014. Book. Martha A. Sandweiss is a professor of history at Princeton University and the author Passing Strange: A Gilded Age Tale of Love and Deception Across the Color Line (2009). She focuses in great detail on the importance of photography to history and its resourcefulness to the revolutionizing of the world. Walter, Benjamin. Little History of Photography. Harvard Art Journals (1999): 506-531. 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Web. Walter Benjamin was a German Philosopher, who wrote multiple literary pieces that are still regarded upon today. In his piece, Little History of Photography, Benjamin dives into the origination of photography. He looks at the perspective of different parties on the subject. His main goal is to define the importance of photography and its progress through history.  Benjamin discusses the birth of photography and its impact on those who first experienced the revolutionary machine. Benjamin Little dives deep into the subject and provides great detail on the birth era of photography. This article fits quite perfectly into my topic because it starts from the birth of photography and dives into its importance to the world of art.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Parent-Child Relationships free essay sample
What is communication? How does communicating relate to parenting? Communication is any sharing between two or more people. Communication is related to parenting because its important role of positive parenting and it helps guide as well as understand their child more. How can financial issues affect parenting? Financial issues can affect parenting because most families with this problem tend to spend more time working less time with their love ones. this can cause depression and stress which can create a negative vibe round thir family. How does negative communication differ from positive communication? Positive communication differs from negative communication in a way were positive communication, its just you and your child talking no interrupion. Both people talk and listen to get a understanding of each other so that a solution can be made for the problem. How can divorce affect children? Divorce can affect children in may ways such as temper tantrums, difficulty sleeping, guilt, and emotions. We will write a custom essay sample on Parent-Child Relationships or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Its many ways divorce can affect children but in different ways and age group in life. What are three tips that parents can use to improve communication with their children? keep in mind the child point of view and age when talking to them. Let the child know that you are only looking for their best interests Be respectful and dont lose your temper when stress out. Critical Thinking Questions Why is it important that parents talk to their children about social issues such as divorce, finances, and unemployment? How can parents talk about difficult topics? Its important to discuss social issues to children because its a point in life where they will face. Divorce is an important to disuss to a child because they need to understand how life really work. they need to know that other kids may not have both parents at home, how it could be step perents. Which all fall into the divorce where i feel should be the top thing because not having both parents in the house could have big effect on the child. When teenagers become parents, what are some of the challenges they face? When teenagers become parents some challenges they will face are finances, health, education and possable single parenting. What are at least three techniques that parents can use when they are communicating with a child about a mistake or misbehavior? keep in mind the child point of view and age when talking to them. Let the child know that you are only looking for their best interests Be respectful and dont lose your temper when stress out.
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