Thursday, August 27, 2020
Actus Reus Notes free essay sample
Gives a connection between the underlying demonstration of the D and the disallowed result that has happened. It frames some portion of the AR: It isn't sufficient that the denied outcomes has happened, it must be brought about by the D. * Established by a two-phase test: 1. Authentic causation: Only premise, set up a prelimartary association among act and outcomes D’s act must be a sine qua non of the restricted consequence(consequences would not have happened without the D’s activity) ’But for’ the D’s activity, the results would not have happened Case: White : D needed to murder her mom with a toxin drink yet the mother bite the dust before the toxic substance drink produced results. LP: The D’s mother would have passed on at any rate however for D’s activity, subsequently he isn't the genuine reason for death, yet he is accused of endeavored murder. 2. Lawful causation: Chooses the culpable a. Case: Pagett To maintain a strategic distance from capture, D utilized his better half as a shield and solidified at furnished police. We will compose a custom paper test on Actus Reus Notes or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The police terminated back and murdered the young lady. LP: D’s act need not to be the sole reason for death gave it is a reason that has ‘contributed fundamentally to the result’ as he gets under way the chain of occasions that prompted demise and it was predictable that the police would fire back. D is the most accountable Intervening Act: Something that happens after the D’s demonstration that breaks the chain of causation and diminishes the D’s obligation regarding the disallowed results. Conditions will possibly break the chain of causation on the off chance that they are: an) A mind-boggling reason for death b) An unforeseeable event Case that BREAK the chain: Jordan: D cut the person in question and his injury was recuperated when V showed up to the emergency clinic yet he kicked the bucket following an unfavorably susceptible response to the medications given by the medical clinic. LP: D not at risk as the first twisted was recuperated and the treatment was ‘PALPABLY WRONG’ (Obvious) to break the chain of causation. Case that DOESN’T BREAK the chain: Cheshire: D shot the casualty in the leg and stomach, where when in emergency clinic V experienced respiratory inconveniences and pass on after an activity that the medical clinic played out a poor standard of care and neglected to perceive his injuries. LP: The requirement for activity spilled out of the D’s unique act hence he stayed at risk, the treatment must be ‘PALPABLY WRONG’ (self-evident) to break the chain of causation. Interceding Act falls into 3 classifications: 1. Demonstrations of the Victim 2. Demonstrations of Third Parties 3. Normally Occurring occasions 1. Demonstrations of the Victim Roberts: D meddled the V’s garments in the vehicle, making the V hop from the moving vehicle and brought about genuine wounds from the fall. LP: It was predictable that the casualty would have endeavored to get away and could be harmed in doing as such. Chain of causation might be broken if the V’s activity is outrageous and unforeseeable. *Only EXTREME ACTS would break it? Consider Thin-Skull rule: *Thin-Skull Rule: EXCEPTION to the standard that D is just at risk to the predictable outcomes of his activities D is obligated for the full degree of V’s wounds regardless of whether, because of some pre-exisitng condition, the V endures more prominent mischief because of the D’s activity than the ‘ordinary’ V would endure. Cases: Blaue D cut the V and punctured her lung, however V declined a blood transfusion as it was in opposition to her religion, bringing about death. LP: D sentenced for murder as it was held that the standard was not constrained to states of being nevertheless incorporated an individual’s mental make-up and convictions. 2. Demonstration of Third Parties Consider: 1. Criticalness of their commitment 2. Activity is predictable? 3. Normally happening occasions * Omissions: Liability just essential if there is no punishable positive act. Resolution: An obligation of act just forced by rule in a limited range Contract: Case: Pittwood D contracted to screen the intersection entryways so nobody is hurt by the train. He neglected to close the entryways and V was murdered by the train. LP: An individual under agreement will be at risk for the destructive results of his inability to play out his legally binding commitment. This obligation stretches out to those sensibly influenced by exclusion, not simply the other party to the agreement. Unique relationship Case: Gibbins and Procotor First D(Father) neglected to give food to his youngster who was famished to death. His obligation depended on his oversight to satisfy the obligation set up by the exceptional relationship of father/youngster. (The case proceeded:) Voluntary suspicion of care Second D(Partner of the dad): subject not founded on the idea of relationship but since she had recently taken care of the kid however had stopped to do as such. * A Person can't push off the clock to act that the willful supposition of care forces. Risky circumstance Case: Miller D nodded off while smoking a cigarette. It triggers the tangle ablaze, yet when the D woke up he didn't do anything to spare the fire however move to another spot to rest. The House was harmed therefore. D contended that his mens rea was not created at the time the actua reas of the occasion, dropping the cigarette, happened. LP: D has made a risky circumstance which he at that point has the obligation to spare the fire. * MR emerges and agrees with proceeding with AR. He was at risk.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Free Essays on Picture of Dorian Gray: The Sin of Dorian :: The Picture of Dorian Gray Essays
The Sin of Dorian Gray The magnificence of Dorian Gray exists in his childhood, however revolting of transgression. It is said that something is beauitful than it's not kept to domain of profound quality and corruption. He wonderful individuals are shameless. So he tote his interest of delight by utilizing his body. As a sanctuary of excellence his body it utilized for extraordinary joy for his curved psyche. Likewise he attempted to dodge other good laws to the tote of joy. His spirit is unclean of transgression and grotesqueness of a joy life. Dorian Gray's honesty's of energetic brain is demolished. To a degenerate bombed life of temperance, yet from destruction awful impacts. However perfect impacting of enthusiasm balanced. There is a differentiation in that old enough and youth to great versus detestable. The creator Oscar Wilde of the novel speaks to a topic of defilement. Dorian Gray's life goes to and fro of good and indecent viewpoints. Dorian Gray's way of life and psyche is defiled because of a corrupt life. The Picture of Dorian Gray presents the relationship of excellence and ethical quality. Dorian Gray is wonderful and unethical to age that is degenerate together. The corrupt collection of Dorian Gray is magnificence. For instance, he is improperly beauitful, and the representation ethically appalling. From his petition to tranform to the protrait which bears all, and always stay youthful. Truth be told, his magnificence is shameless from it grotesqueness of loathsomeness capable path of self-extravagances. Then again, his spirit is improper, however has a spot of honesty in the picture. Dorian Gray is absolutely hesitant about his magnificence. So he lives by a way of thinking of life. There is society it is all shows from constancy in union with good cause toward poor people. To be misleading spread for individuals' narrow minded thought processes is his gauge. He is mocks the objectives of philanthripy and he's cleared away by this rationale. Dorian Gray is a finished person of good taste, carrying on with his life looking for magnificence and joy to the avoidance of all ethical obligation. He puts no restrictions on the sorts of delights he permits himself. Each demonstration he made was cowardly and egotistical acts. These ventures guarantee his magnificence. He is mindful that young and magnificence is all he is and has hence he lives. There is an ethical clash among great and fiendishness which result honesty enticement.
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Vet Potential IT Firms (Even If You Dont Know Much About Tech)
How to Vet Potential IT Firms (Even If You Don’t Know Much About Tech) Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!How to Vet Potential IT Firms (Even If You Don’t Know Much About Tech)Updated On 07/04/2019Author : Ram kumarTopic : BusinessShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogLearn Everything You Need to Know About an IT Consulting Firm with 3 Simple QuestionsNobody can be an expert on everything, and that’s okay we need people with different skill sets in all aspects of life in order to get things done the right way. Maybe you’re incredible at putting together dazzling graphic designs. Maybe you’re an entrepreneur, and you problem-solve like no one else. Maybe you’re a brilliant marketer. If your unique skill set doesn’t include “expert-level IT know-how,†don’t fret you are still more than capable of vetting potential IT firms to find the best IT consulting firm for your company’s needs.All you need to do is ask 3 simple, non-tec hnical questions:Where does learning stop for your employees?How do you make sure your service keeps improving?What is your strategy for putting together your team?Technology never stops evolving, which means employees at potential IT firms should never stop learning.Good IT Firms Encourage Employees to Keep LearningTechnology is always evolving just ask anyone who’s always chasing the latest and greatest smartphone. The IT firms that will best serve your company understand this, and that’s why they make it a point to encourage continuous employee learning. Potential IT firms should be able to tell you about initiatives put in place to make sure their staff always has the most up-to-date knowledge about IT products, services, trends, and risks.Your business needs to innovate to continues growing, and the right IT firm will be your partner in innovation.Great IT Firms Also Work on Improving Their Relationships with ClientsOnce you sign the contract, your IT firm shouldn’t fall off the face of the earth until you call the help desk. An operationally mature IT provider will have strategies in place for continual improvement and innovation. READThe Best Smartphones for Stock Trading in 2019Don’t be afraid to ask about how your IT firm will be able to support your growing and changing business. In a world where the demands placed on businesses particularly if you are operating small business or startup shift so rapidly, it’s important to have an IT firm that can grow and innovate with you.You’ll be working closely with your IT firm, so make sure you choose an organization with people you’d actually like to spend time interacting with.The Best IT Firms Understand the Importance of Technical and Personal SkillsTech support doesn’t exist in a bubble your IT provider will need to interface with you and other members of your organization regularly, which requires more than just technical knowledge to do successfully. A great way to get a sense for what k ind of people you can expect to work with if you choose a particular IT provider is by asking about their hiring strategy. Any IT consulting firm worth serious consideration should place similar emphasis on technical skills and interpersonal skills (like communication and teamwork).Getting the answers to these questions and learning more about a potential IT firm’s values can help you make the right decision for your company.You don’t have to be an IT expert yourself to find an excellent IT firm for your business. Keep these 3 qualities in mind next time you set a meeting with an IT provider, and you’re sure to end up with an IT solution that serves your business now and in the future.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Power of Nathaniel Hawthorne Essay - 3056 Words
The Power of Nathaniel Hawthorne New England in the early 1800s, before the Civil War, was a place teeming with artists, intellectuals, and reformers of every sort. Many of Americas great literary geniuses came out of this era; and among the greatest of these was Nathaniel Hawthorne. He was, as Q. D. Leavis put it, the critic and interpreter of American cultural history and thereby the finder and creator of a literary tradition (Kaul 27), and, a sociological novelist in effect, employing a poetic technique which communicates instead of stating his findings (Kaul 28). In his stories, Hawthorne pointed out many characteristics of American society and of human nature, and brought about a new tradition in American literature.†¦show more content†¦They did so again the next summer, and in 1818 became, in Elizabeths words, permanent residents of Raymond (Van Doren 11). In the Maine wilderness, Nathaniel, who because of his injury had become gloomy and listless with the belief that he would never be active again, learned once more to have a good time. His foot had gradually healed, and the woods of Raymond were a place for him to run free and recuperate from the town life that had cramped him. He enjoyed the time in Raymond thoroughly, and hated to leave when, in 1819, his mother decided it was time for him to prepare for the rest of his life. Nathaniel was sent back to Salem, to live once more with his Manning relatives while he was being tutored by Benjamin Oliver in preparation for college. For admission to Bowdoin College, he had to learn to write Latin grammatically, and to be well versed in Geography, in Walshs Arithmetic, Ciceros Select Orations, the Bucolics, Georgics, and the Aeneid of Virgil, Sallust, the Greek Testament, and the Collectanea Graeca Minora (Van Doren 16). This was accomplished by the fall of 1821, and then he entered Bowdoin College in Maine. During his years there he made many friends, two of which were to remain his closest friends throughout his life: Franklin Pierce, later to be President; and Horatio Bridge. Hawthorne was not an outstanding student. He had never liked school, which in those days wasShow MoreRelatedEssay Nathaniel Hawthorne1152 Words  | 5 PagesNathaniel Hawthorne’s hatred of Puritanism was so big that he described in many of his writing such as The Scarlet Letter and The Minster Black Veil. He usually satirized them as evildoers and sin creators, not holy and Christ zealous as they described themselves. Hawthorne also used the effects of mysterious human mind and spontaneous action to describe the Puritan as satanic worship and God disobedience. In result, his writing reflected much of his Puritan ancestry affections. Nathaniel HawthorneRead MoreThe Birth Mark By Nathaniel Hawthorne1730 Words  | 7 PagesHawthorne illustrates an awe-inspiring example of how human imperfection is natural and the way we are created is how we shall remain, perfectly imperfect. It is difficult not to consider the world today and how much plastic surgeons profit and customers pay, just to reflect an ideal image. This story is published in the eighteenth century, which depicts a mad scientist (Aylmer) who claims to have the ability to create perfection in the imperfect, Godly creation of his wife (Georgiana). The marriageRead MoreThe Use of Color Symbolism by Nathaniel Hawthorne Essay1024 Words  | 5 PagesIs it possible for an author to utilize so much symbolism that it captivates the reader to the extent of paralleling the tale with their own life? The principle of symbolism is quite evident in the story by Nathaniel Hawthorne, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†. Nathaniel Hawthorn’s work is immers ed with symbolism with most of it deriving from his Puritan beliefs. The themes of sin, guilt, innocence, and lust come forth through the uses of color symbolism as well as visual clues. All of these things areRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter1230 Words  | 5 Pages Nathaniel Hawthorne is an American novelist, who writes and focuses on sin, punishment, and atonement. However, he mainly focuses on the Puritan legacy. Hawthorne was born on July 4, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts. From 1825-1837, Hawthorne perfected his writing and spent this time to help generate ideas for his novels and poems. One of the most well known novels by Nathaniel Hawthorne is â€Å"The Scarlet Letter.†The Scarlet Letter helped Hawthorne’s career to become one of the most successful of hisRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1397 Words  | 6 PagesThe Scarlet Letter was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1850 which is based on the time frame of the Puritans, a religious group who arrived in Massachusetts in the 1630’s. The Puritans were in a religious period that was known for the strict social norms in which lead to the intolerance of different lifestyles. Nathaniel Hawthorne uses the puritan’s strict lifestyles to relate to the universal issues among us. The time frame of the puritans resulted in Hawthorne eventually thinking that the puritansRead MoreThemes Through Out Hawthorn. The Literary Works Of Nathaniel1343 Words  | 6 PagesHawthorn The literary works of Nathaniel Hawthorne are essentials in a comprehensive study of American literature. Nathaniel Hawthorne, a sixth generation American was born in Salem, Mass., on July 4, 1804. Hawthorne had an ancestor who was one of the three judges at the 17th-century Salem witchcraft trials. His Massachusetts family declined into relative obscurity over the generations, both facts impacted his life, imagination and writings. (â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne.†Columbia Encyclopedia) Two ofRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter1187 Words  | 5 PagesPuritanism in Red Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter shows the early view of Puritanism by concentrating on sin, guilt, and its effects on society. Nathaniel Hawthorne conveyed a dark and romantic style of writing in â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†, impacting the society by focusing on the concepts of romanticism. The Scarlet Letter is considered a classic book and is still read today. Nathaniel Hathorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts on July 4, 1804. He was the son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth ClarkRead MoreEssay On John Hathorne878 Words  | 4 Pages    Nathaniel Hawthorne was greatly influenced by his great- great grandfather, John Hathorne, to develop the novel The Scarlet Letter.  John hathorne was involved in the persecution of several people in the Salem, Massachusetts (encyclopedia). JOHN HATHORNE AND THE SALEM WITCH TRIALS    In the year 1692, the Salem Witch Trials began and John Hathorne was chosen by Governor Sir William Phips to be a judge during the trials.  Hathorne believed that Satan had the power to pressure people into harmingRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne1488 Words  | 6 PagesThe True Contemporary In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter, the main character, Hester Prynne, is a true contemporary of the modern era, being cast into 17th century Puritan Boston, Massachusetts. The Scarlet Letter is a revolutionary novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne examining the ugliness, complexity, and strength of the human spirit and character that shares new ideas about independence and the struggles women faced in 17th century America. Throughout the novel, Hester’s refusal to removeRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne999 Words  | 4 Pages Nathaniel Hawthorne is the author of the prodigious book entitled The Scarlet Letter. In The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne commits adultery with Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale. Her husband, Roger Chillingworth, soon finds out about the incident after it becomes clear that she is pregnant. The whole town finds out and Hester is tried and punished. Meanwhile, Roger Chillingworth goes out then on a mission to get revenge by beco ming a doctor and misprescribing Dimmesdale. He does this to torture Dimmesdale
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Gerrymandering - Definition and Examples in Politics
Gerrymandering is the act of drawing congressional, state legislative or other political boundaries to favor a political party or one particular candidate for elected office. The purpose of gerrymandering is to grant one party power over another by creating districts that hold dense concentrations of voters who are favorable to their policies. Impact The physical impact of gerrymandering can be seen on any map of congressional districts. Many boundaries zig and zag east and west, north and south across city, township and county lines as if for no reason at all. But the political impact is much more significant. Gerrymandering reduces the number of competitive congressional races across the United States by segregating like-minded voters from each other. Gerrymandering has become common in American politics and is often blamed for the gridlock in Congress, polarization of the electorate and disenfranchisement among voters. President Barack Obama, speaking in his final State of the Union address in 2016, called on both the Republican and Democratic parties to end the practice. â€Å"If we want a better politics, it’s not enough just to change a congressman or change a senator or even change a president. We have to change the system to reflect our better selves. I think weve got to end the practice of drawing our congressional districts so that politicians can pick their voters, and not the other way around. Let a bipartisan group do it.†In the end, though, most cases of gerrymandering are legal. Harmful Effects Gerrymandering often leads to disproportionate politicians from one party being elected to office. And it creates districts of voters who are socioeconomically, racially or politically alike so that members of Congress are safe from potential challengers and, as a result, have little reason to compromise with their colleagues from the other party. The process is marked by secrecy, self-dealing and backroom logrolling among elected officials. The public is largely shut out of the process, wrote Erika L. Wood, the director of the Redistricting Representation Project at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law. In the 2012 congressional elections, for example, Republicans won 53 percent of the popular vote but carried three out of four House seats in states where they oversaw redistricting. The same was true for Democrats. In states where they controlled the process of drawing congressional district boundaries, they captured seven out of 10 seats with only 56 percent of the popular vote. Any Laws Against It? The U.S. Supreme Court, ruling in 1964, called for a fair and equitable distribution of voters among congressional districts, but its ruling dealt mostly with the actual number of voters in each and whether they were rural or urban, not the partisan or racial makeup of each: Since the achieving of fair and effective representation for all citizens is concededly the basic aim of legislative apportionment, we conclude that the Equal Protection Clause guarantees the opportunity for equal participation by all voters in the election of state legislators. Diluting the weight of votes because of place of residence impairs basic constitutional rights under the Fourteenth Amendment just as much as invidious discriminations based upon factors such as race or economic status. The federal Voting Rights Act of 1965 took on the issue of using race as a factor in drawing congressional districts, saying it is illegal to deny minorities their constitutional right â€Å"to participate in the political process and to elect representatives of their choice.†The law was designed to end discrimination against black Americans, particularly those in the South after the Civil War. A state may take race into account as one of several factors when drawing district linesâ€â€but without a compelling reason, race cannot be the predominant reason for a district’s shape, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. The Supreme Court followed up in 2015 by saying states could form independent, nonpartisan commissions to redraw legislative and congressional boundaries. How It Happens Attempts to gerrymander happen only once a decade and soon after years ending in a zero. That’s because states are required by law to redraw all 435 congressional and legislative boundaries based on the decennial census every 10 years. The redistricting process begins soon after the U.S. Census Bureau completes its work and begins sending data back to the states. Redistricting must be completed in time for the 2012 elections. Redistricting is one of the most important processes in American politics. The way congressional and legislative boundaries are drawn determines who wins federal and state elections, and ultimately which political party holds the power in making crucial policy decisions. Gerrymandering is not hard, Sam Wang, the founder of Princeton Universitys Election Consortium, wrote in 2012. He continued: The core technique is to jam voters likely to favor your opponents into a few throwaway districts where the other side will win lopsided victories, a strategy known as packing. Arrange other boundaries to win close victories, cracking opposition groups into many districts. Examples The most concerted effort to redraw political boundaries to benefit a political party in modern history happened after the 2010 census. The project, orchestrated by Republicans using sophisticated software and about $30 million, was called REDMAP, for Redistricting Majority Project. The program began with successful efforts to regain majorities in key states including Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, Florida, and Wisconsin. Republican strategist Karl Rove wrote in The Wall Street Journal before the midterm elections in 2010: The political world is fixated on whether this years elections will deliver an epic rebuke of President Barack Obama and his party. If that happens, it could end up costing Democrats congressional seats for a decade to come. He was right. The Republican victories in statehouses across the country allowed the GOP in those states to then control the redistricting process taking effect in 2012 and shape congressional races, and ultimately policy, until the next census in 2020. Who is Responsible? Both major political parties are responsible for the misshapen legislative and congressional districts in the United States. In most cases, the process of drawing congressional and legislative boundaries is left to state legislatures. Some states impanel special commissions. Some redistricting commissions are expected to resist political influence and act independently from the parties and the elected officials in that state. But not all. Here’s a breakdown of who is responsible for redistricting in each state: State legislatures: In 30 states, the elected state lawmakers are responsible for drawing their own legislative districts and in 31 states the boundaries for the congressional districts in their states, according to the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University’s School of Law. The governors in most of those states have the authority to veto the plans. The states that allow their legislatures to perform the redistricting are: AlabamaDelaware (Legislative districts only)FloridaGeorgiaIllinoisIndianaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaine (Congressional districts only)MarylandMassachusettsMinnesotaMissouri (Congressional districts only)North CarolinaNorth Dakota (Legislative districts only)NebraskaNew HampshireNew MexicoNevadaOklahomaOregonRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth Dakota (Legislative districts only)TennesseeTexasUtahVirginiaWest VirginiaWisconsinWyoming (Legislative districts only) Independent commissions: These apolitical panels are used in four states to redraw legislative districts. To keep politics and the potential for gerrymandering out of the process, state lawmakers and public officials are prohibited from serving on the commissions. Some states also prohibit legislative staffers and lobbyists, as well. The four states that employ independent commissions are: ArizonaCaliforniaColoradoMichigan Advisory commissions: Four states use and advisory commission consisting of a mix of legislators and non-legislators to draw up congressional maps that are then presented to the legislature for a vote. Six states use advisory commissions to draw state legislative districts. The states that use advisory commissions are: ConnecticutIowaMaine (Legislative districts only)New YorkUtahVermont (Legislative districts only) Politician commissions: Ten states create panels made up of state lawmakers and other elected officials to redraw their own legislative boundaries. While these states take redistricting out of the hands of the entire legislature, the process is highly political, or partisan, and often results in gerrymandering districts. The 10 states that use politician commissions are: Alaska (Legislative districts only)Arkansas (Legislative districts only)HawaiiIdahoMissouriMontana (Legislative districts only)New JerseyOhio (Legislative districts only)Pennsylvania (Legislative districts only)Washington Why Is It Called Gerrymandering? The term gerrymander is derived from the name of a Massachusetts governor in the early 1800s, Elbridge Gerry. Charles Ledyard Norton, writing in the 1890 book Political Americanisms, blamed Gerry for signing into a law a bill in 1811 readjusting the representative districts so as to favor the Democrats and weaken the Federalists, although the last named party polled nearly two-thirds of the votes cast. Norton explained the emergence of the epithet gerrymander this way: A fancied resemblance of a map of the districts thus treated led [Gilbert] Stuart, the painter, to add a few lines with his pencil, and to say to Mr. [Benjamin] Russell, editor of the Boston Centinel, That will do for a salamander. Russell glanced at it: Salamander! said he, Call it a Gerrymander! The epithet took at once and became a Federalist war-cry, the map caricature being published as a campaign document. The late William Safire, a political columnist and linguist for The New York Times, made note of the words pronunciation in his 1968 book Safires New Political Dictionary: Gerrys name was pronounced with a hard g; but because of the similarity of the word with jerrybuilt (meaning rickety, no connection with gerrymander) the letter g is pronounced as j.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Police Brutality Against Women Of Color - 2699 Words
Police brutality has always been a problem in society, especially since the majority of their victims are people of color. Over the year police brutality has increased, but not much is covered on police brutality against women of color, specifically blacks and Latina women of color. Women of color who have been unjust fully arrested in their arrest, were physically abused and forcefully arrested. Police violence against women of color has increased over the years by more than three percent. Not only women of color are the victim of police men that have a bias base on a person social status or race, but also young girls of color are being victim of this unprofessional police officers. In the reading ABWH statement on the â€Å"Modern-Day Lynching of Black Women in the U.S. Justice System†it says â€Å"black women and girls have never been afforded a femininity that deemed them innocent; as such, they have been berated, sexually abused, and brutally beaten by police†(2015, pp. 1). Police men that are supposed to protect the people that live in the United State no matter their status, gender or race, but instead they base their reasoning on prejudice, biases and stereotypes. This may not be true for all police men, but theirs been many of police abuse against people of color were many end up extremely hurt or dead. It is not always the men of color that is disproportionately stopped, detained, criminalized and incarcerated, but women and girls of color areShow MoreRelatedPolice Brutality on Minorities1643 Words  | 7 PagesMinority Police Brutality in Major Cities of the United States Since the first state-sponsored police forces in the U.S. racial discrimination in police forces has been a characteristic of the American landscape. Racial profiling and police brutality have their roots in enforcement of slave codes, black codes, and Jim Crow Segregation laws. We Charge Genocide, a petition submitted to the UN by the Civil Rights Congress in 1951, documented thousands of incidents of police violence against AfricanRead MorePolice Brutality Essay989 Words  | 4 PagesPolice Brutality against African American people has begun to take a toll on our communities. African American communities cannot even trust the police, because of the way they are being treated unfairly by a police officers of them distract or their state. Which is why the police are being coming more advanced in technology, but still fail to use their powers as an officer correctly. This cause the police officers are using misconduct against African American people when confronted by them. ThisR ead MoreThe Movie Straight Outta Compton Directed By F. Gary Gray1706 Words  | 7 Pagesindustry and the treatment of women while omitting some scenes. And finally, the biggest issue facing America at the time and currently, Police brutality. The film shows the audiences how the group was treated because of their skin color and their financial/living situation. For these reasons, the film Straight Outta Compton offers a commentary on the racial issues facing America through the accounts of the group N.W.A on issues such as capitalism, Police Brutality, and Gender in the film. CapitalismRead MoreEssay On Police Brutality1478 Words  | 6 Pagesongoing, which leads to police brutality. In â€Å"Why Are So Many Black Americans Killed By Police?†, Carl Bialik, reveals racism (consciously or not) leads to police brutality of African Americans. Kia Makarechi in â€Å"What The Data Really Says About Police and Racial Bias†, shows evidence of African Americans receiving more police brutality because of racism. Clint Smith in â€Å"Racism, Stress, and Black Death†, conveys how studies show that African Americans are receiving police brutality due to day-to-day discriminationRead MoreMothers Reclaiming Our Children ( Roc )1529 Words  | 7 Pageshave their chances limited or adversely affected exclusively in relation to criminal activities. The racial differences tend to contribute the minorities receiving brutal treatment from the police officers. The children get to face longer and worse juvenile experiences as compared to the white kid s. The police violence cases have gained popularity in the recent years with some of the community members terming the scenarios as post-racial experiences (Gilmore, 2004). Arguments have been establishedRead MoreThe Brutality Of The Police Force1072 Words  | 5 PagesPolice Misconduct The brutality of the police force has been a long worldwide problem, but especially between the years of 2012-2016. Black people are being unjustly beaten and shot in plain sight for doing nothing while being unarmed. Journal of African American Studies â€Å"Blacks are viewed as deserving of harsh treatment in the criminal justice system†(482). â€Å"Black males with more â€Å"Afrocentric†features may receive longer sentences than blacks with less Afrocentric features like lighter skin andRead MorePolice Brutality Within The African American Community1265 Words  | 6 PagesAsad Bidiwala RHE 306 August 13, 2015 Police Brutality within the African-American Community The specific audience of my argumentation is the racially ignorant white populations that refuse to acknowledge the idea that police brutality towards the African-American race is evident amongst our society. The racially ignorant white population assumes that police brutality is used as a defense mechanism rather than an appeal to racism towards African-Americans. This hostile audience becomes uncomfortableRead MoreIts Time To Put an End To Police Brutality1248 Words  | 5 Pages Police Brutality is a worldwide problem that is getting worse each year. Men and women around the world are being abused by Police Officers. I mean just because they wear a badge, why should they be able to bully us? Many wrong convictions have been made by some type of police brutality.Police misconduct is illegal and a violation to people’s individual rights.Officers could be arrested for the misconduct and abuse they are bringing upon people.Many organizations around the world have been ma deRead MoreThe Importance Of Equal Rights And Opportunity In America1113 Words  | 5 Pagesor how intelligent you are therefore you should not be denied equal opportunity to pursue your passion or even be denied equal pay due to these types of factors of a person’s identity. In America today we see peaceful protesting against the terrible police brutality against black people and equal rights for blacks. In 1865 the 13th amendment was ratified and slavery was abolished but the blacks were still forced into a slavery-like system and brutalized. In the 1950’s and 60’s the civil rights movementRead MoreRacial Disparities Of African Americans1378 Words  | 6 Pageshaving to bury friends and family and discovering the officers, meant to protect the law and serve the people, are killing black lives and are almost always found not guilty. The racial disparities against African Americans lies is shameful, but not surprising. Race matters in the United States. People of color do not receive the same benefits and equality as white people; whether it be in education, the workplace and in the judicial system. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the racial disparities
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Organizational Behavior and Terminology Paper Essay Example For Students
Organizational Behavior and Terminology Paper Essay Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Paper June 17, 2005 One major corporation that is affected by organizational behavior is the west coast based 24 Hour Fitness, Inc. The company operates and owns more than 300 fitness centers that offer aerobic, cardiovascular, and weight lifting activities to the companys more than 2.7 million members. Some locations offer even more amenities than those listed. The fitness centers are located in 16 states as well as Europe and Asia (www. In regards to organizational behavior, or the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations (, 24 Hour Fitness meets its organizational objectives by setting goals for its sales staff. The result is a profit for the company but most of all, a commission for the sales counselors themselves. In respect to human objectives, 24 Hour Fitness strives to meet the needs of all customers by customizing personal diet and workout plans, providing the most up to date fitness machines, staffing certified physical trainers, providing functioning and well-maintained equipment, competitive membership rates and promotions, and a clean and well kept environment for its patrons. Human needs involving the staff are met by employees receiving benefits such as medical and dental insurance, retirement, and other things like discounted personal training sessions and free memberships. Managers also believe in an open door policy so that all employees can comfortably discuss concerns and questions that may arise that involve their jobs. Necessary training, seminars, and uniforms are also provided to the employees at low or no cost to them. Twenty Four Hour Fitness also practices a chain of command type leadership structure. All upper management is in some way directly involved with the clubs that fall under their supervision. Organizational culture, which is defined as the comprised values, beliefs, and customs of an organization ( , consists of those whose mission it is to make 24 Hour Fitness the epitome of physical fitness clubs. The goal of the organizations staff is to provide each patron with outstanding one-to-one customer service at all times and to make their visit to the club as enjoyable as possible. Diversity is defined as the presence of a wide range of variation in qualities and attributes such as gender, race, ethnicity, age, able-bodiness, and sexual orientation (www.wikipedia. org). Since 24 Hour Fitness is an equal opportunity employer (EOE), diversity is present and welcome within the company. There are men and women employed who come from different walks of life and have different experiences to offer the company. No one is discriminated upon that is employed by or serviced by 24 Hour Fitness. From my experience as an employee, the company actively takes interest in and welcomes the thoughts and opinions of its diverse employees. Communication or the process of exchanging information between employees and management is highly recommended (www. As stated earlier, 24 Hour Fitness Management uses an open-door policy so that employees are comfortable and encouraged to discuss and questions and concerns or even offer suggestions that they may have. Patrons and visitors are always made to feel welcome to discuss any concerns that they may have with the staff. Twenty Four Hour Fitness believed in resolving problems immediately and not letting the customer leave until the problem has been resolved. An effort is made to resolve issues at the lowest level of management possible. If a problem is extreme and for some reason cannot be resolved, complaints may be directed to the corporate office if they cannot be resolved by their local clubs management. .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1 , .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1 .postImageUrl , .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1 , .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1:hover , .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1:visited , .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1:active { border:0!important; } .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1:active , .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1 .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6c1ef8a84467d3d63d49a41bac8b19b1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Liberal Arts Argumentative EssayThe way in which an organization performs, or organizational effectiveness and efficiency, is monitored within each 24 Hour Fitness club along with all district and corporate offices. Issues such as employee turnover rates, employee training programs, membership and other sales rates, recruiting efforts, and customer and visitor feedback amongst some of the important issues that are monitored by the 24 Hour Fitness Corporation. Organizational learning or the area of knowledge within organizational theory that studies models and theories about the way an organization learns and adapts (, is used within 24 Hour Fitness to create ways of training all employees to perform their jobs to the highest potentials possible. Training materials .
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Internet Regulation Essays (1120 words) - Pornography Law
Internet Regulation Computer, Internet, Privacy INTERNET REGULATION: POLICING CYBERSPACE The Internet is a method of communication and a source of information that is becoming more popular among those who are interested in, and have the time to surf the information superhighway. The problem with this much information being accessible to this many people is that some of it is deemed inappropriate for minors. The government wants censorship, but a segment of the population does not. Legislative regulation of the Internet would be an appropriate function of the government. The Communications Decency Act is an amendment which prevents the information superhighway from becoming a computer red light district. On June 14, 1995, by a vote of 84-16, the United States Senate passed the amendment. It is now being brought through the House of Representatives.1 The Internet is owned and operated by the government, which gives them the obligation to restrict the materials available through it. Though it appears to have sprung up overnight, the inspiration of free-spirited hackers, it in fact was born in Defense Department Cold War projects of the 1950s.2 The United States Government owns the Internet and has the responsibility to determine who uses it and how it is used. The government must control what information is accessible from its agencies. This material is not lawfully available through the mail or over the telephone, there is no valid reason these perverts should be allowed unimpeded on the Internet. Since our initiative, the industry has commendably advanced some blocking devices, but they are not a substitute for well-reasoned law.4 Because the Internet has become one of the biggest sources of information in this world, legislative safeguards are imperative. The government gives citizens the privilege of using the Internet, but it has never given them the right to use it. They seem to rationalize that the framers of the constitution planned & plotted at great length to make certain that above all else, the profiteering pornographer, the pervert and the pedophile must be free to practice their pursuits in the presence of children on a taxpayer created and subsidized computer network.3 People like this are the ones in the wrong. Taxpayer's dollars are being spent bringing obscene text and graphics into the homes of pe ople all over the world. The government must take control to prevent pornographers from using the Internet however they see fit because they are breaking laws that have existed for years. Cyberpunks, those most popularly associated with the Internet, are members of a rebellious society that are polluting these networks with information containing pornography, racism, and other forms of explicit information. When they start rooting around for a crime, new cybercops are entering a pretty unfriendly environment. Cyberspace, especially the Internet, is full of those who embrace a frontier culture that is hostile to authority and fearful that any intrusions of police or government will destroy their self-regulating world.5 The self-regulating environment desired by the cyberpunks is an opportunity to do whatever they want. The Communications Decency Act is an attempt on part of the government to control their free attitude displayed in homepages such as Sex, Adult Pictures, X-Rated Porn, Hot Sleazy Pictures (Cum again + again) and sex, sex, sex. heck, it's better even better than real sex6. What we are doing is simply making the same laws, held constitutional time and time again by the courts with regard to obscenity and indecency through the mail and telephones, applicable to the Internet.7 To keep these kinds of pictures off home computers, the government must control information on the Internet, just as it controls obscenity through the mail or on the phone. Legislative regulations must be made to control information on the Internet because the displaying or distribution of obscene material is illegal. The courts have generally held that obscenity is illegal under all circumstances for all ages, while indecency is generally allowable to adults, but that laws protecting children from this lesser form are acceptable. It's called protecting those among us who are children from the vagrancies of adults.8 The constitution of the United States has set regulations to determine what is categorized as obscenity and what is not. In Miller vs. California, 413 U.S. at 24-25, the court announced its Miller Test and held,
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Great Wall of China essays
Great Wall of China essays The Great Wall of China is one of the largest building projects ever carried out. It stretches about 1,500 miles from Bo Hai off the Yellow Sea in the East to the Gansu province in the West. It is so large it can be seen from space. A majority of the wall was built between 500-3000 years ago. It is believed to be the largest graveyard in history because bones of the workers that died during construction were utilized along with the material to build the wall. The wall served to mark the boundary between the agricultural civilization of China and the civilization of the nomadic tribes of the north and northwest ( "The Great Wall was considered to be a great asset to the first emperor, Chin Shih-Huang-Ti, known the founder of the Chin Dynasty. He and other states of north China joined together and extended the separate walls built by earlier states to serve as a defensive barrier against the nomads, especially the Turkish tribes. It took roughly ten years to complete and long hours of hard labor. Each stone is believed to be equal to one human life lost in its building. The cost of the wall in money and lives may have been a factor in the fall of the Chin Dynasty." (AOL's Academic Assistance Center). Construction of the Great Wall began in 400 BC. The first emperor of China, Chin Shih-Huang-Ti, wanted the wall built to protect his people from Mongolian invaders. He ordered just about one million people to work day and night for ten years to build the wall. The workers were not allowed to rest and those that complained or ran away, were captured and buried alive. The people, who died while working, were buried in the wall because the emperor did not want to waste time giving them proper burials. After ten years of hard labor, the wall was finished. The emperor Chin Shih Huang-Ti believed that his defensive barrier would prevent invasion of the Mongolian tribes. Even though the Great...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Area 51 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Area 51 - Essay Example This place was preferred as it is located far away from the city. Few years later, various lights started appearing and since then heavy security is provided around that area. This made the government to shut down all the places from where the area 51 could be seen. This area is surrounded by Groom Lake on one side and NTs on the other side. Rachel is the nearest place from Area 51.Later people started to believe that the area is used to test aircrafts and other UFOs which caused the lights to appear. This area is comprised of workplaces, houses and runways for the aircraft. Railway facility is enabled as there are some underground lines that connect some of the nearby states. This place is also used as the training centre for the military and security forces. The aircrafts used in the military are tested and experimented in this place. Hence area 51 was helpful in conducting test operations of the proposed aircrafts. normal movements are observed and kept under supervision using the radar. The area surrounding Area51 is acquired by government and it is made sure that no outsider is allowed inside. Since the place is out of the reach of normal population, it is difficult to locate this place easily. Area 51 is considered as the head quarters of the U.S military and Air force. (Strickland 2005).The happenings of this place are maintained as a secret. The officials are divided into groups and assigned to various projects. They would be under the control of group heads and they take care of the ongoing projects. Each time a new aircraft is designed, they are tested to ensure proper working of the system. Satellites play a vital role in these areas. As each and every action has to be under the supervision, satellites are used. Security is the important aspect of this area, as the information regarding the country's military and air force have to be kept intact. Circuit cameras are installed in all the important locations to record the activities. Only few people are given permission to enter the restricted area. Many level of security checks are conducted to make sure only authorized people are permitted. The information pertaining to the aircrafts and their development are also kept as a secret. The project head and the team members are instructed not to disclose any information to others.(Desjardins 2008). Every employee should sign a bond that specifies the details regarding this place will be kept as a secret. A person working in an aircraft is not allowed to gather information regarding another project that is being developed. Even access to information from the system is limited. Unless a person has undergone the highest level of security clearance, he is not allowed to access the details pertaining to each and every system. Since Area 51 is composed of military and security of a country, high security is maintained. Inside Area 51 Since the area is not open for public movement, the officials and employees make use of separate planes. Unique identification numbers are given to each aircraft which are being used specifically for this purpose. Professional trained people are appointed as pilots, so that they can easily handle the specially designed flights. The area is prohibited from trespassers and warning boards are kept at each and every
Thursday, February 6, 2020
1993 Cuisine and Culture of Mexico Research Paper
1993 Cuisine and Culture of Mexico - Research Paper Example However, Mexican people belong to various different cultures and this fusion of diversity is reflected in the rich Mexican culture and tradition. The Official language of Mexico is Spanish and it is the largest and most densely populated Spanish speaking nation in the world. There is no official religion of Mexico but however, during the ancient Spanish colonization, the religion of Roman Catholicism was introduced to the Mexican people. However, a recent census revealed that 95% of the Mexican population is Christian out of which 89% are Roman Catholics therefore Mexico has the second largest Catholic population in the world. The folk art traditions of Mexican are amalgamations of both Spanish and aboriginal Aztec culture. The great contrasts in the Mexican culture are also due to the influence of Pre Columbian art which is portrayed in the curved, linear and three dimensional ceramics produced in Mexico. The ancient Mesoamerican settlements shaped the traditional literature of anci ent and modern Mexico. Netzahualcoyotl was a pre-Hispanic poet and is by far the most famous historical poet in Mexico. The beginning of the 20th century is considered as the Golden Era of Mexican cinema. During this time many historic events were portrayed in the form of stage performances particularly the Mexican revolution was quite dramatically depicted. Modern day Mexican culture shows great inspiration to the Catholic Church. (Solski, 1981) Modern day Mexican cuisine is a fusion of original Mayan and Aztec culture along with the influence of Spanish culture and cooking traditions. Mexico is famous around the world for this unique blend of Spanish and aboriginal cuisine. Mexican cuisine is known for its wide range of flavors and exotic decorations. The unique fusion of ingredients and a variety of spices give Mexican food a unique and
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Tempest - William Shakespeare Essay Example for Free
The Tempest William Shakespeare Essay Although William Shakespeare’s The Tempest is often categorized as his late romance, its plots reflect the major social movement of that timeâ€â€the Europeans settling in the New World. As the Europeans eagerly set out to find the New World, they left behind hopeful citizens pondering over what they would find. In The Tempest, through the characters, we can infer that the Europeans’ intentions ranged from creating the perfect government to interacting with the inhabitants. They discovered that their idea of the perfect government in which everyone is equal failed to exist. Nonetheless, they were correct in their anticipation that the New World would already be settledâ€â€by savage ‘Native Americans’. They eventually integrated the Native Americans into their society as slaves. In their journey to the New World, the Europeans failed to establish an ideal government, yet succeeded in incorporating the natives into their own society. One of the Europeans’ expectations of the New World was a perfect government in which everyone would be equal. In The Tempest, Shakespeare’s character Gonzalo describes it as a government where there would be â€Å"no occupation; all men idle, all;/And women too, but innocent and pure;/No sovereignty. †(II. 1, ll. 154-156) Even as his comrades ridiculed him, he is steadfast in his belief, and simply labels them as â€Å"gentlemen of brave mettle. †(II. 1, l. 181). This would seem like the ideal government, and would work in theory. In European society in the early seventeenth century, much emphasis was placed on class. The lower class faced many restrictions, and many citizens were infuriated with the class system. To the lower class, the hope of a perfect government in which everyone was equal was ideal. Another one of their hopes was that the natives, although barbaric, would be of great use to them when they first settled. They hoped to incorporate the Native Americans into their own society. In The Tempest, Caliban, the original native of the island, originally greeted Prospero with respect: â€Å"When thou cam’st first,/Thou strok’st me and made much of me†¦then I loved thee/And showed thee all the qualities o’ th’ isle,/The fresh springs, brine pits, barren place and fertile. (I. 2, ll. 333-338) When Prospero first came to the island, Caliban went through the trouble of finding him the best food and water sources. Because of Caliban’s kindness, this shows that the Europeans believed that the Native Americans would be easy to manipulate, and thus, easy to control. They hoped to be in command of the Native Americans so that the task of controlling North America would be easier. To gradually incorporate the natives into their own society as slaves was one of the hopes of the Europeans. However, their hopes and predetermined ideas were found to be inaccurate. The reality was that the utopian government that the Europeans dreamed about did not exist. In fact, Gonzalo’s government was impractical. There would always be conflict, and if everyone was equal, they would feel equally poor. This would call for a sovereign, which would defeat the purpose of everyone being equal. Hierarchy will always exist simply because it is human nature to strive for the best. For example, in The New World, this was reflected in the colony of Jamestown. There was always a captain in charge. A chain of order was important in order to prevent chaos in times of distress. Conversely, one of their expectations became a reality. They believed that the natives would be savages. The Europeans looked down upon the Native Americans because they appeared in many ways to be subhuman. This was due to non-Christianity, a primitive dress style, and a sense of filth: â€Å"Their hair is usually black, but few have any beards. The men wear half their heads shaven, the other half long†¦some are of disposition fearful, some bold, most wary. All Savage†¦For their apparel, they are some time covered with the skins of wild [beasts]†¦There is yet in Virginia no place discovered to be so Savage in which Savages have not a religion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The Europeans viewed the Native Americans as inferior beings. At first, the Native Americans were inclined to incorporate the Europeans as an intermediary: â€Å"Americans sought to incorporate the newcomers into their universe. (Kupperman 175) They also concluded that the Europeans would be of great use to trade with. As time progressed, both the Native Americans and the Europeans strived to merge the other into their own hierarchy. (Kupperman 174) However, this attempt at incorporating the other soon proved to be futile. In The Tempest, Caliban is always plotting to overthrow Prospero (conversation with Trinculo and Stephano). This is paralleled in the Europeans’ constant, underlying worry that the natives would revolt against them: â€Å"Both the Roanoke and Jamestown olonists reported that conspiracies against them were planned. †(Kupperman 175) The Native Americans knew their territory, and gradually developed tactics to fend off attackers. The Native Americans were highly skilled warriors, yet lacked the technology that the Europeans had. (Barbour) In addition, the Europeans had resistance to disease that overwhelmed the Native Americans. Eventually, the Europeans managed to seize power in their settlements, and incorporated the Native Americans into their civilization as slaves. Although the Europeans failed to establish a utopian government, their efforts to merge the Native Americans into their society were successful. Their ideal failed to exist simply because of human nature. Nonetheless, they integrated the Native Americans into their society as slaves. Albeit unconventional, the expectations of the Europeans were portrayed to some degree. Through The Tempest, the Europeans’ hope of establishing an model government did not become a reality, yet they managed to incorporate the natives.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Exploring the Validity of Natural Theology :: Philosophy Essays
Exploring the Validity of Natural Theology The thought processes that underlie Creationism and Evolution are undoubtedly very different. The fundamentalists of the former school of thought adhere to the Biblical tenet that divine creation in six days is responsible for environmental diversity, whereas evolutionists have repeatedly stated that the universe was created billions of years ago and is in a constant state of fluctuation. At first glance, these accounts of life on Earth seem incompatibleâ€â€the creationists base their beliefs purely on faith and explain their surroundings based on that conclusion, while scientists work in the opposite direction by asking questions first and make systematic observations that have resulted from their propositions (Moore 5-6). Ernst Mayr claims that "the beliefs of creationism are in conflict with the findings of science," but the founders of Natural Theology have managed to unite the principles of Genesis with those of evolution (qtd. in Mayr 4). There are strict purists who claim that it is not viable to combine the two ideologies, but it is possible to incorporate the concept of G-d into scientific fact. Although there are several variations on the concept of Natural Theology, its advocates generally accept evolution. Whereas strict creationists reject the notion that the Earth was formed billions of years ago, natural theists accept the scientific evidence for the age of the Earth with one large discrepancy: organisms could have only originated with the aid of divine intervention. However, it is acknowledged that there is no concrete evidence to substantiate the belief that the Earth was created a mere few thousand years ago, just as there isn't any geological confirmation that a global flood engulfed the entire planet (Science and Creationism). This liberal interpretation of Genesis and cautious acceptance of evolution allows for some flexibility with previously undisputed Biblical notions, such as the idea that the creation of the world was completed within six twenty-four hour periods. Those six days have been construed to signify as a literary device by the author of the Bible, six days separated by long time periods, or as six days from the perspective of an ageless G-d (Commission on Creation). Thus, the essence of Natural Theory is that an omnipotent creator fashioned the physical processes that set evolution in motion and these processes resulted in the creation of life. This theory appears to be logical, except for the notion that some aspects of life are so complex that they completely transcend human understanding and are thereby the work of an Intelligent Designer.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Is Warfare in Nature of Man? Essay
War has always been a companion of man and a part of human existence. In the human history only few years have been absolutely peaceful when all peoples of the globe lived in friendship or at least without conflicts. Already the fist weapons, invented by man, could be used as weapons of war. So war can be called an attribute of humans same as mind, or ability to walk on two legs. A question whether war is caused by inborn or social determinants is, perhaps, as old as history. Once more it has been addressed by Margaret Meade in her â€Å"Warfare: An Invention – Not a Biological Necessity†. She argues, that primitive indigenous societies have no idea of warfare and puts in the Eskimos as example. So she believes, that war is a matter of social existence and humans have invented war in the course history just as they invented a wheel. Under Meade, humans have no inborn tendency to war and there are no objective factors for a war to arise. War as she puts it, is a method invented to resolve conflicts, equal to other conflicts resolution methods such as courts and negotiations. This paper is to contest such position and prove, that war is in fact in the nature of man and it is inevitable for man, so it is impossible to speak of war as of invention. It will review some of Meade’s arguments and evaluate them using academic papers, that disagree with Mead’s position. The final thesis of the paper is that WAR IN HUMAN SOCIETIES IS PRECONDITIONED BY BIOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL DETERMINANTS. War her can not be compared to other methods of conflict resolution, because it is not, or at least not only a method to resolve conflicts. War is a phenomena which exists as itself and does not result from necessity to cope with certain misunderstanding. References to some fragments of Mead’s paper shall be used in forming arguments against her theory. First and foremost it is necessary to determine the subject and find out what is war. Meade offers the following definition: â€Å"organized conflict between two groups as groups, in which each group puts an army (even if the army is only fifteen Pygmies) in the field to fight and kill, if possible, some of the members of the army of the other group†. The key word here is â€Å"conflict†. War is usually defined as an organized form of conflicts between groups. Usually such groups are represented by societies or communities, most often by peoples and nations. In his brilliant â€Å"War Before Civilization†professor Lawrence H. Keeley has calculated that 90-95% of peoples communities were once engaged to war in this or that way and many of them fought constantly . Whether war has been invented or not, those numbers suggest, that war is more usual than peace for humans. And all those wars have been caused by conflicts. In this respect war is a result of conflict and it’s embodiment but not the conflict itself. So, in order to find out what war is it is necessary to find out what conflict is and what causes it. For this paper we shall use the following definition: conflict is a discord between needs interests and values of people or between interests, needs and values of a person and the surrounding . War is a conflict between groups, so in this paper we shall speak mostly about conflicts between people, although it is often impossible to clearly distinguish them. At that terms â€Å"war†and â€Å"conflict†should not be confused, because in this paper we accept that war is not a form of conflict. War is not a discord itself, it is a result of discord, which is going to be discussed later. Scholars have proposed a number of theories to explain reasons of conflict resulting in war. They include psychological, evolutionary, sociological, anthropological, rationalist and other ones. Advocates of psychological theories such as E. F. M. Durban and John Bowlby argue that violence is inherited by man. The society oppresses violence as an inacceptable form of behavior. So war is an â€Å"outlet valve†for natural human violence. In order to justify natural violence people use to invent ideologies as causes for war. Some of the â€Å"militarists†even argue that peace does not exist at all and that what seems to be peace is nothing but a preparation to the next war period . Historical theories explain that wars result from certain conditions and are similar to traffic accidents. However, there are no rules to limit them and no system to predict them. However, social scientists criticize those theories stating that in most wars there are leaders who take a final decision about war, so wars can not be recognized purely accidental . However, it can be noticed, that decisions of leaders are taken mostly as a result of certain events and warlike leaders can hardly make people go to war, if they are strongly against fighting. Anthropological theorists, which Margaret Meade stands most close to, argue that war has appeared at some stage of civilization development, so war is culturally learned. Anthropologists reject the presence of links between different forms of violence, so war can not be compared to fighting animals or similar conflicts. War under the result of popular pressure, but it is caused exclusively by violent leaders . However, a question arises once again. If war is not in nature of man, how does war come to the nature of a leader? Sociologists have been interested in war since the early years of sociology, so they have developed their own sociological theories. Eckart Kehr and Hans-Ulrich Wehler pointed that war is a result of internationalized inner tensions inside the society, and the target for aggression is determined by international situation. So the basis for war is economic, political and social situation inside a community. In contrast, Carl von Clausewitz and Leopold von Ranke, who are also said to be advocates of sociological theories, argue, that war results from decision of statesmen, who react to certain situation in this or that way . This argument stands close to anthropological approach. There are several demographic theories about war. Malthusian theories speak that wars are caused by disproportion between growing population and lack of resources for this population. To solve the problem the community starts an expansion which results in war with the neighbors. Youth Bulge theory is more sophisticated. Under it, when a society includes a number of young and physically able young males who can’t find an occupation for themselves inside the community, those young men will fight for fortune outside the community . This phenomenon can be easily found in medieval Europe, where younger sons of the nobility had to leave their father’s estate, which must have been inherited only by the older son. No difference how they called themselves – Vikings, Crusaders or conquistadors, they went to distant lands to make war. Most of them just died, thusly solving the problem of â€Å"younger sons†, and some of them did receive a reward in form of money, new lands and glory. Evolutionary psychology theories see war as a result of evolving psychological features, including fear of being attacked and beliefs that only war can make people happy or ensure their future. This includes fear, that another group of people can be dangerous, that another group can be provoked to conflict, assertion, that other group is immoral or sinful or inherently evil, so it should be punished. Under this theory, the decision to make war can hardly be rational, and is often taken out of fear or hate . The rationalist theories assume, that both sides of conflicts have potential reasons for war which can be understood and logically predicted. Each side strives to obtain the best possible result with minimal losses. In case both parties could reasonably predict the outcome it would be better for them just to accept the results of war without suffering it’s losses. War requires both sides to accept risk. In case the desire to fight a war is stronger than fear of risk, the war is likely to emerge. Entering the war each party needs to evaluate it’s readiness to attack and it’s readiness to be attacked. Under the economic theories war results from economic competition and in peruse for new markets and natural resources. Another possible reason is defense of existing markets and trade roots. And thirdly a war may be caused by the desire of poor countries to benefit from plundering the rich countries . Other schools include Marxist and political science theories, however, their concepts of war remain undeveloped. It should be noted, that a single theory of war can hardly be created. Each particular war is explained by it’s own reasons. Colonial wars are explained by economic theories, and the conquests of Genghis Khan fall under anthropological and demographic theories. An overview has been provided not to choose the best theory, but to find out how each theory supports or contradicts the thesis of Margaret Meade and the thesis of this paper. Meade argues, that since there are peoples, which are unfamiliar with the idea of war itself, even defensive war, it is necessary to speak of war as invention. She states that: â€Å"The CASE FOR warfare is much clearer because there are peoples even today who have no warfare. Of these the Eskimos are perhaps the most conspicuous examples, but the Lepchas of Sikkim described by Geoffrey Gorer in Himalayan Village are as good. Neither of these peoples understands war, not even defensive warfare. The idea of warfare is lacking, and this idea is as essential to really carrying on war as an alphabet or a syllabary is to writing†. Under Meade, war is s ort of response to particular events in peoples tradition. War is a traditional way of settling conflicts in most of the world, and for some people it is not a traditional method, so they just do not know what is war. Meade’s point appears to be vague simply because of lack of actual evidence. She speaks, that some people do not know about war, but the only people she manages to demonstrate as proof are the Eskimos. Perhaps it is not a proof, but an exception that proves the opposite argument. And the argument is, that all peoples fight war, except for Eskimos, and this means, that Eskimos are unusual and they break a common rule. And the common rule is that war is an attribute of man. The described theories summarize different factors, but in total it should be concluded, that war is a response to the situation of conflict. This conflict can be demographic (lack of territory for the population), economic (fighting for markets) or evolutional (hate to others). Of course, there is an anthropological theory, which asserts, that for some reason peoples, which are originally peaceful, suddenly start to support violent leaders, but this theory fails to explain the reasons for such support and origin of violent leaders themselves. All the reasons for war mentioned in the theories reflect usual human reactions to conflicts. When a person has nothing to eat, he or she is likely to steal. When an entire people has nothing to eat, it will fight for food with the neighbors. When a person believes, that his neighbor is an awful criminal, he or she is likely to attack the neighbor in case he approaches, even if he came to say â€Å"hello†. When an entire people believes, that other people is insane, a war between those peoples is likely to emerge. This analogy can be applied to each and every theory. In the light of this it is necessary to specially consider new sorts of war: economic war and terrorist war. Economic wars are ideally explained by economic theories. They are fought for resources and markets. However, they include unfriendly actions and acts of violence. They may have casualties. So they are wars fought in other way. Terroristic wars are even more obvious case. They are fought under instructions of charismatic leaders and with concrete purposes, explained by theories of war. Reasons for the new sorts of war are same as for the old ones. They are results of conflicts. Upon separation of conflict and the resulting war, war becomes characterized as a response to the conflict. When groups of people find no other acceptable way to resolve the conflict, they turn to war. And the more organized the community is, the more organized it’s warfare is. This conflict is violent, because human nature is violent. This means not that violence is necessary for a man, but that violence is available for a man, and man often uses violence. It is just a part of our nature, whether we want it or not. In case it was not true, there would not be no fights of the streets and wars between peoples. But it is true, and non-violence in the society is more unusual, than violence. As soon as it is understood, that war is a VIOLENT METHOD OF RESOLVING CONFLICTS BETWEEN GROUPS OF PEOPLE it becomes obvious, that war is a natural state for a man. It has not been invented, it existed just as long, as man existed. The war took more complex forms, but it remained war. This does not mean, that wars are desirable, surely they are to be avoided at all costs. But even in case all wars are once finished this would not mean, that the war disappears. It will just not be used, but it will continue to exist inside us. Works cited: 1. Margaret Meade, Warfare is only an invention – not a biological necessity. Taken from: http://www. ppu. org. uk/learn/infodocs/st_invention. html (last viewed: October 16, 2007)2. Lawrence H. Keeley. War Before Civilization, Oxford University Press, 1996 3. Ashley Montagu, The Nature of Human Aggression, Oxford University Press, 1976 4. Azar Gat. War in Human Civilization, Oxford University Press, 2006 5. Fuller Gary: The Demographic Backdrop to Ethnic Conflict: A Geographic Overwiew, in: CIA (Ed. ): â€Å"The Challenge of Ethnic Conflict to National and International Order in the 1990s†, Washington 1995 6. Powell Robert. Bargaining Theory and International Conflict. Annual Review of Political Science 5: 1-30, 2002
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Eleanor, Queen of Castile (1162 - 1214)
Eleanor Plantagenet, born in 1162, was the wife of Alfonso VIII of Castile, daughter of Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine, sister of kings and a queen; mother of several queens and a king. This Eleanor was the first of a long line of Eleanors of Castile. She was also known as Eleanor Plantagenet, Eleanor of England, Eleanor of Castile, Leonora of Castile, and Leonor of Castile. She died on October 31st, 1214. Early Life Eleanor was named for her mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine. As a daughter of Henry II of England, her marriage was arranged for political purposes. She was paired with King Alfonso VIII of Castile, betrothed in 1170 and married sometime before September 17, 1177, when she was fourteen. Her full siblings were William IX, Count of Poitiers; Henry the Young King; Matilda, Duchess of Saxony; Richard I of England; Geoffrey II, Duke of Brittany; Joan of England, Queen of Sicily; and John of England. Her older half-siblings were Marie of France and Alix of France Eleanor as Queen Eleanor was granted control in her marriage treaty of lands and towns so that her own power was nearly as much as her husbands. The marriage of Eleanor and Alfonso produced a number of children. Several sons who were, in turn, expected heirs of their father died in childhood. Their youngest child, Henry or Enrique, survived to succeed his father. Alfonso claimed Gascony as part of Eleanors dowry, invading the duchy in his wifes name in 1205, and abandoning the claim in 1208.  Eleanor wielded considerable power in her new position.   She was also a patron of many religious sites and institutions, including Santa Maria la Real at Las Huelgas where many in her family became nuns.  She sponsored troubadours to court. She helped arrange the marriage of their daughter Berenguela (or Berengaria) to Leons king. Another daughter, Urraca, was married to the future king of Portugal, Alfonso II; a third daughter, Blanche or Blanca, was married to the future King Louis VIII of France; a fourth daughter, Leonor, married the king of Aragon (though their marriage was later dissolved by the church). Other daughters included Mafalda who married her sister Berenguelas stepson and Constanza who became an Abbess. Her husband appointed her as ruler with their son upon his death, and also appointed her executor of his estate. Death Although Eleanor thus became the regent for her son Enrique on her husbands death, in 1214 when Enrique was only ten, Eleanors grief was so great that her daughter Berenguela had to handle the burial of Alfonso. Eleanor died on October 31st, 1214, less than a month after Alfonsos death, leaving Berenguela as her brothers regent. Enrique died at age 13, killed by a falling roof tile. Eleanor was the mother of eleven children, but only six survived her: Berenguela (1180 - 1246) - she married Conrad II of Swabia but the marriage contract was annulled. She married Alfonso IX of Leon, but that marriage was dissolved on grounds of consanguinity.  She became regent for her brother Enrique (Henry) I, and became Queen of Castile in her own right when he died in 1217. She abdicated right after that, and her son Ferdinand III of Castile brought together Castile and Leon.Sancho (1181 - 1181) - briefly heir to Castile, died at three monthsSancha (1182 - 1185)Enrique (1184 - 1184?) - heir during his very short life - there is some doubt that this child existed.Urraca - Urraca of Castile, Queen of Portugal (1187 - 1220), married to Afonso II of Portugal.Blanca - Blanche of Castile, Queen of France (1188 - 1252), married the future Louis VIII of France, crowned Queen in 1223. She served as regent of France after Louis died and before their son was of age.Fernando (1189 - 1211). Died of a fever, heir to the throne at that time.Mafalda (11 91 - 1211). Betrothed to Ferdinand of Leon, stepson of her sister Berenguela.Constanza (1195 or 1202 - 1243), became a nun at Santa Maria la Real at Las Huelgas.Leonor - Eleanor of Castile (1200 or 1202 - 1244): married James I of Aragon but separated 8 years later, with consanguinity as the grounds.Enrique I of Castile (1204 - 1217). He became king in 1214 when his father died; he was only 10. He died three years later, struck by a tile that fell from a roof.
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